
  1. Vicious Committee: Round II

    April 12, 2018
    New VC apparel means new photos – Chansupa & Terrance brought the swag Art Director: Terrance Boston Model: Chansupa Reinnoldt

  2. Megan Flynn Fashion Shoot

    April 12, 2018
    I recently had the pleasure of collaborating with a fashion designer here at SCAD, Megan Flynn, and the fiercest model, Elinor Hilton. Here are some of my favorite shots from that day: Fashion Design: Megan Flynn Model: Elinor Hilton

  3. Angsty Skate Shots

    April 12, 2018
    What better to do on a Saturday night at 10pm than to wander around a parking garage with a skateboard and a camera… Just another photo adventure with Zach – let the teen-angst commence…

  4. NYC Film 4evr

    April 12, 2018
    Upon returning from NYC for spring break, I finally had access to free film processing through school; however, I had to wait 2 weeks When the day finally came that I could pick up the processed film, I went straight from class and sat in the scanning lab for five…

  5. Sunrise

    March 14, 2018
    Zach and I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to go splash around in the chilly ocean… 

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